31 May 2015

30 May 2015

#NewTires #Haiku

New tires for the car.
Good thing this only comes once
every 4 years. $Ouch!

29 May 2015

28 May 2015

27 May 2015

26 May 2015

#TexasFlood #Haiku

Texas, OK Floods
Homes, lives lost. Roads are rivers.
Wide devastation.

25 May 2015

24 May 2015

#JohnNash #RIP #Haiku

Nobel Prize Winner
Portrayed in "Beautiful Mind"
John Nash, killed: car crash.

21 May 2015

20 May 2015

#IranNukeDeal #Haiku

Iran Nuke Deal stalled
Tehran says no inspections.
Nonsense deal without.

19 May 2015

18 May 2015

#MtStHelens #Haiku

Mount Saint Helens blew
Thirty-five years ago. Wow.
Time, like mountain, flew.

17 May 2015

15 May 2015

14 May 2015

13 May 2015

#Samsung #Washer #Haiku

Bought a new washer.
Snazzy electronic job.
Same brand as my phone O.o

12 May 2015

11 May 2015

10 May 2015

09 May 2015

#Saturdaylabor #Haiku

Sunday. Day of rest.
'Cause this Saturday sure ain't!
Workin' my tail off.

08 May 2015

#A10Warthog #Haiku

Killing the A-10?
High success combat aircraft.
Killed by politics.

07 May 2015

06 May 2015

Pre #MothersDay #Haiku

Farmers market day.
Picked up flowers for my wife.
Early Mom's Day treat.

05 May 2015

04 May 2015

#StarWarsDay #GraceLeeWhitney #Haiku

Star Wars Day, it is.
But it's Star Trek that's mourning.
RIP Grace Lee Whitney.

03 May 2015

02 May 2015

#LaundryDay Blues #Haiku

Washing machine blues.
Springs a leak, laundry room floods.
Man, these things ain't cheap!

01 May 2015