31 July 2015

#BlueMoon #Haiku

Do something rarely?
Today's the day to do it.
"Once in a blue moon."

29 July 2015

28 July 2015

27 July 2015

#Summertime #Haiku

Picking blackberries.
How I love to hate them.
Thorns, annoying seeds.

26 July 2015

#BackgroundCheck #Haiku

Handgun background checks.
Depends on good database
Bad base, useless check.

25 July 2015

#Unarmed #ArmedForces #Haiku

Unarmed Marines?!? What?
We train them but don't trust them?
Sitting ducks for nut!

24 July 2015

23 July 2015

22 July 2015

21 July 2015

20 July 2015

#Trump2016 #Haiku

Trump, just shut up, 'k?
Sideshow candidate before
latest stupid words.

19 July 2015

17 July 2015

15 July 2015

#GreeceCrisis #Riots #Haiku

Flat broke, Greece in flames.
Who paid for the gas in their
Molotov cocktails?

14 July 2015

13 July 2015

#GreeceBailout #Haiku

Just hysterical!
Greece now stuck with harsher terms
than ones they just snubbed!

12 July 2015

11 July 2015

#Reunion #Haiku

Sitting listening
to peeps I don't know talk 'bout
peeps I don't know. Sigh.

09 July 2015

08 July 2015

06 July 2015

05 July 2015

#GreekReferendum #Haiku

Most Greeks voting "No."
I say, cut the ingrates loose.
Let them pay OWN bills.

04 July 2015

#IndependenceDay #Haiku

Independence Day
Freedom ain't free. Thanks to all
who paid the real price.

03 July 2015

#Wimbledon2015 #Haiku

Wimbledon is on.
Can't get the hang of tennis.
Swing racquet all wrong.

02 July 2015

#OregonSummer #Haiku

So hot in my house
two hobbits just came through and
tossed in a gold ring!

01 July 2015

#OregonPot #Haiku

Pot now legal here.
You can have, even smoke it...
You just can't buy it.