Lost amid the din and roar
A still small voice is here once more
Inviting me to come and rest
As one who truly could be blessed
But do I listen? Do I slow?
Too often still, the answer's no.
I've things to do, places to be
Expectations weigh sore on me.
For one who's drunk the draft of life
Other waters I still seek to soothe my strife.
Instead of seeking His load so light,
I shoulder my own with all my might
Though I always stumble, always fall
I still pretend I can handle it all
"I'm fine" I cry when friends do ask
"I'm up to the challenge! I'm up to the task!"
Weak and frail I dare not appear!
What would they think if they could
see in here?
Here where my darkest pains inside,
From my own self I try to hide.
I dare not seek His blessed rest
Lest I should fail to pass the test
If only I could for once just see
It is in my weakness He wants to be
Closer than a brother dear
The One to banish all doubt and fear.
Sweet waters of life and eyes to see
He freely offers you and me.
For one who's debt by Him was borne
I still yet fear the Accuser's scorn
When right there all along has been
A Father to welcome this prodigal in.

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