30 September 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things: C is for Church


I’m grateful to live in a country where I can attend church without fear, and for a good church conveniently located near enough to not be an ordeal to get to every week. I’ve been blessed to attend several good churches, both back home and after moving to Oregon.

I “grew up” at Leawood Baptist Church in Memphis right at the time when the pastor of 32+ years, Jerry Glisson, was retiring and his successor, Tommy Vinson, was arriving. To this day, I credit Bro. Tommy with laying most of the foundation of my faith. From there, I went to BellevueBaptist Church in Cordova, a little country church that seats about 8,500 and runs in the low teen-thousands on Sundays. After moving to Oregon, I found Morning Star Community Church and was blessed to call it “home” for about 5 years. When my wife and I started dating, I visited her church, West Salem Foursquare, and after we got married we chose to continue attending there. I enjoy the church, though I’m a tad reserved for the charismatic atmosphere. Doctrinally, they’re not that far off from my core beliefs, though Foursquares in general sometimes over-emphasize speaking in tongues (a controversial subject I’ll not get into today). I look forward to getting more comfortable and plugged in at WS4S!

Do you attend church regularly? Where and why?

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